Overview Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams are useful tools for map


Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams are useful tools for map

Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams are useful tools for mapping out different classes for an object-oriented program (OOP). Classes are the individual files that contain the code you write for your application. The UML class diagram displays each class’s attributes and methods and shows relationships between classes. Attributes are the data items a class file contains, and the methods are portions of code designed to accomplish a specific task.
In this activity, you will analyze a UML class diagram and implement either the Cat or the Dog class. This activity aims to give you practice interpreting a UML class diagram and implementing a class based on that diagram. Implementing classes based on a UML diagram is a valuable skill to help you work as a part of a development team. This assignment will also help prepare you to implement the Pet class as part of your Project One submission. For this assignment, you do not need to implement or account for the relationships between Cat or Dog and the Pet class.
For this assignment, you will select either the Cat or the Dog Java class from the UML diagram. Open the Virtual Lab (Apporto) by clicking the link in the Virtual Lab Access module. Then open your Eclipse IDE and create a new class. View the Eclipse IDE Tutorial video in the Supporting Materials section if you need help creating a class in Eclipse.
Before you begin, review the following UML class diagram. Pay attention to each class’s attributes and behaviors. As a reminder, though the diagram illustrates an inheritance relationship between the classes, the class you choose to implement does not have to inherit from the Pet class for this assignment. You will learn more about implementing inheritance in later modules.
Next, you will implement either the Cat or Dog Java class. Your class must meet all the specifications from the UML class diagram. Include the following items in your Cat or Dog class:
All attributes (variables) with appropriate data types
Note that the types are not specified in this UML class diagram. You must consider the most appropriate data type for each attribute.
At least one constructor method that initializes values for all attributes
The constructor method is a special method that is run anytime an object is created from a class. The constructor method shares the name of the class it is found in.
Accessors and mutators for all attributes
Each attribute should have a corresponding accessor (“getter”) and mutator (“setter”) method. These methods are indicated in the class diagram.
In-line comments and appropriate white space, according to the style guidelines you have learned so far in the course
Commenting code is crucial for several reasons. Commenting code provides human-readable explanations of the code’s functionality. The comments make it easier for other developers or even the original coder to understand and maintain the code after some time. Clear and concise comments act as documentation. Comments offer insights into the logic, purpose, and usage of different sections of the code. Comments become especially valuable in collaborative projects or when handing over code to other developers. Comments can also help identify potential issues, edge cases, or important considerations that help communicate between developers. Well-documented code accelerates the development process and contributes to overall maintainability, which reduces the likelihood of errors and makes code more adaptable to changes and improvements.
What to Submit
Submit your Cat or Dog class as a Java class file. Use the Downloading Files From Eclipse Tutorial in the Supporting Materials section to help you download the file for your submission. The file that you will submit will end with the .java file extension. This file differs from the .class file. The .java file is human-readable code, and the .class file is what the Java compiler creates, which contains machine-readable code. You must also include your commented code.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on this assignment:
Resource: Downloading Files from Eclipse
This tutorial will guide you through the steps to download files from Eclipse and submit them to your instructor via Brightspace.
Video: Eclipse IDE Tutorial: Configuration and First Steps With Eclipse Hello World Program
This video will help you become familiar with Eclipse IDE and create a class in Eclipse.
Resource: Commented Code
This document provides a code sample with code comments.


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