Deliverable: Create and Upload a Letter of Understanding (in a memorandum format


Deliverable: Create and Upload a Letter of Understanding (in a memorandum format

Deliverable: Create and Upload a Letter of Understanding (in a memorandum format) briefly explaining that you understand the following:
Course organization
Layout of the course materials
Due dates
That it is your responsibility to upload a correct and readable file the first time
That the document you upload is the complete and edited version of your own writing
You will check your grades as they are released, read my comments, learn from them, and apply those “fixes” to your next assignments.
The professor does not argue over grades. Note: you can lose 100 points without it affecting your desired “A”. Sometimes an “A” is not achievable.
State that you have read the ten commandments of technical writing located in the Welcome Letter and understand you are not in an essay class.
See the textbook for how to format a memorandum.
User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.


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