Complete the following journal assignment. Entries should be approximately 1 p


Complete the following journal assignment. Entries should be approximately 1 p

Complete the following journal assignment. Entries should be approximately 1 page in length, double-spaced with 1 inch margins. Font must be 12pt Times New Roman. Address all key points and submit to Canvas by the due date specified by the instructor. All Journal assignments must be in APA format. All assignments will be screened for artificial intelligence (AI) program use and/or plagiarism. NO late assignments will be accepted.
Journal Assignment 4-Unit 4 Communication
Observe and listen to the exchange between 2 or more adults for several minutes. Describe the setting, then answer the following questions 1) what verbal and nonverbal behavior did you notice? 2) Based on your observation, what feelings were being expressed? 3) Were the verbal and nonverbal congruent? Explain.


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