An effective manager relies on their relationships with people and recognizes th


An effective manager relies on their relationships with people and recognizes th

An effective manager relies on their relationships with people and recognizes that each individual is unique and needs different things from them.
Recall an experience with an innovation leadership style. What innovation leadership qualities did the person possess? How did these qualities impact the leader’s interactions with others? How does it compare with other leadership styles you’ve discussed?
Respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words. Provide references.
Respond to 2 student post below within 100 words each statement. State why you agree or disagree and explain. Also provide examples. Provide references.
1)I had a total mental block on this one. Having joined the military ten days after graduating high school and then maintaining employment on the civilian side of the DoD after separation; the innovation style of leadership is not one I’d say we (military) got to encounter often. However, a quick internet search of innovative military leadership and bam…it looks like the military is a perfect place for innovation. Pruitt (2016) states leadership, teamwork, determination and creative thinking, are all required for innovation. Coincidently these very things are part of every military member. This article specifically talked about a program called Patriot Boot Camp through DAV but there are several programs like this, directed at helping veterans become entrepreneurs. These programs help the innovative leaders that joined the military learn the additional skills necessary to pursue ventures of their own.
I didn’t think of the military as innovative but realistically theyare a highly functioning team that has several managers. Each manager ischarged with finding ways to make their special team work and functioneffectively to meet and/or exceed goals of the whole. As with every organization,some managers are just better leaders.
2)There are many types of leadership styles.1) the directive leadership style. This type of leader uses maximum authority. the decisions making are centered around the leader.2) Participative leadership style. here the leader and followers share decision making moments. They have discussion about the issues and they reach a consensus.3) free Rein leadership style. This practices follower centered decision making. here there is hardly any kind of direction or instruction from the leader. Egocentric style.4) innovation leadership style in a high tech, fast paced and ever changing workplace is increasingly difficult and is demanding too.leaders have to add new demands to traditional duties for example:Traditional versus New demandsgive orders to employees Empower people to work betterimplement work plans Generate ideas
Manage individual employees Coach teams
organize work Develop People
Starting in the 1980 the character of work culture was changing to innovation while the changing focus of effective leadership was enterpreneurship. Many people were starting their own businesses, they were discovering new products, new services and different ways of doing things.


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