A variety of modern tools for big data analytics exist in the market today. The


A variety of modern tools for big data analytics exist in the market today. The

A variety of modern tools for big data analytics exist in the market today. The following are
well-known analytics tools, and you will find additional descriptions and ratings here:
● Hadoop: used to store and analyze data
● MongoDB: used on datasets that change frequently
● Talend: used for data integration and management
● Cassandra: a distributed database used to handle chunks of data
● Spark: used for real-time processing and analysis of large amounts of data
● STORM: an open-source, real-time computational system
● Kafka: a distributed streaming platform used for fault-tolerant storage
Select two analytic tools from the list and resources above. Create a 7-9 slide PowerPoint
presentation addressing the features and functions their systems provide. Following your
comparison, address how each may be used in a business environment, as well as which you
would recommend and why. Your presentation slides must be professional and written in a
manner that would be appropriate to present to business leadership.


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