write a research proposal about the aboved title. you will see a ppt presentatio


write a research proposal about the aboved title. you will see a ppt presentatio

write a research proposal about the aboved title. you will see a ppt presentation attached. this ppt file has ALL MY IDEAS and you are going to write this proposal based on the ppt file. the research proposal should include : 1- Introduction (Background information, problem statement, aims/objectives, identifies a significant industry problem, etc.) 2- Literature Review (Relevant literature, reasonable review parameter, recent development, organization of issues etc.) (Please USE ALL attached articles then you may add more from your side). 3- Research Methodology PLEASE Use Qualitative (semi-structured interview) + Sound method, clear description of the method, data analysis technique etc.) 4- Feasibility of Study (In terms of scope, time, resources & practicality) Make sure to explain the feasibility of the study Make sure to THAT THIS RESEARCH PROPOSAL IS CONNECTED WITH MY PPT PRESENTATION (ATTACHED) SO YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THE PPT FILE AND RELATE IT TO THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL See less


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