Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics


Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics

Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics from your Pozgar text. Write a 1-2 page essay addressing the discussion questions posed for the one you selected. Be sure to clearly identify the news clipping you selected.
Adhere to current APA Style and cite all sources. Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
Choose one of the following videos to address for your assignment.
#1. Wrong-Operation Doctor
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Assignment Discussion Questions
Discuss how headlines such as this affect your opinion of politicians.
At the end of our days, the most basic principles of life–trust and survival–are on trial. What is your verdict, if you believe there was a cover-up?.
Why did you choose to respond to this story?
How are government and political trust displayed in your clinical setting?
A high quality explanation and answer with in your time limit1 Wrong Operation Doctor (ethics and integrity) Hospitals find it hard to protect patients from wrong-site surgery. Last year a jury returned a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Children’s Hospital for surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of a 15-year-old boy who was left psychotic and severely brain damaged. Testimony showed that the error was not disclosed to his parents for more than a year. The hospital issued a statement saying it deeply regretted the error and had “redoubled our efforts to prevent” a recurrence. So, what happened? “Health care has far too little accountability for results … . All the pressures are on the side of production; that’s how you get paid,” said Peter Pronovost, a prominent safety expert and medical director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care. He added that increased pressure to quickly turn over operating rooms has trumped patient safety, increasing the chance of error. Kenneth W. Kizer, who coined the term “never event” nearly a decade ago when he headed the National Quality Forum, a leading patient safety organization, said he believes reducing the number of errors will require tougher reporting rules and increased transparency. Source: Boodman, S.G. (2011). Kaiser Health News,The Washington Post. Pozgar, 4th ed., p. 43the essay is based on the script
1 day ago
NURS_521_DE – Paper/Essay Rubric
NURS_521_DE – Paper/Essay Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
16 to >13.76 ptsProficient
The writer clearly and effectively responds to the assignment.
13.76 to >12.0 ptsApproaches Proficiency
The response to the assignment is generally adequate, but may not be thorough.
12 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The writer does not respond to the assignment.
16 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Detail
12 to >10.32 ptsProficient
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information.
10.32 to >9.0 ptsApproaches Proficiency
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear but are not well supported by detailed information.
9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The topic and main ideas are not clear.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
8 to >6.88 ptsProficient
The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, and provides an overview of the paper. Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion is strong.
6.88 to >6.0 ptsApproaches Proficiency
The introduction states the main topic and provides an overview of the paper. A conclusion is included.
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
There is no clear introduction, structure, or conclusion.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and APA
4 to >3.44 ptsProficient
The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.
3.44 to >3.0 ptsApproaches Proficiency
The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.
3 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many sources are cited and referenced incorrectly, or citations and references are missing.
4 pts
Total Points: 40
A high quality explanation and answer with in your time limit1 Wrong Operation Doctor (ethics and integrity) Hospitals find it hard to protect patients from wrong-site surgery. Last year a jury returned a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Children’s Hospital for surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of a 15-year-old boy who was left psychotic and severely brain damaged. Testimony showed that the error was not disclosed to his parents for more than a year. The hospital issued a statement saying it deeply regretted the error and had “redoubled our efforts to prevent” a recurrence. So, what happened? “Health care has far too little accountability for results … . All the pressures are on the side of production; that’s how you get paid,” said Peter Pronovost, a prominent safety expert and medical director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care. He added that increased pressure to quickly turn over operating rooms has trumped patient safety, increasing the chance of error. Kenneth W. Kizer, who coined the term “never event” nearly a decade ago when he headed the National Quality Forum, a leading patient safety organization, said he believes reducing the number of errors will require tougher reporting rules and increased transparency. Source: Boodman, S.G. (2011). Kaiser Health News,The Washington Post. Pozgar, 4th ed., p. 43the essay is based on the script
1 day ago


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