Material needed Excerpts from Exit West on Google Books Three sources from the M


Material needed
Excerpts from Exit West on Google Books
Three sources from the M

Material needed
Excerpts from Exit West on Google Books
Three sources from the MVC Library A-Z Databasessuch as Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, SIRS Researcher, and Films on Demand.
Optional resource: a print and online copies of the novel at the MVC Library Available Copies of Exit West
Things to do
Select one question from the following list of three to answer in approximately 2,000 words:
As migrants move through the magical doors to other places, trying to escape war and chaos, the passage they take is described as “both like dying and like being born” (Hamid 108). Does this description feel representative of the experience of people who migrate today?
Once Saeed and Nadia have decided to flee their home country, they are on the road as migrants /refugees to foreign countries to find a place they can call home. Through your reading of Exit West excerpts and external sources, show how migrants and/or refugees rebuild a community.
“That is the way of things, for when we migrate, we murder from our lives those we leave behind” (Hamid 98). Is Hamid referring to Saeed’s father’s fear of not seeing his son again and the relatives migrants leave behind, or something more?
Support your research with examples from Exit West and three external sources from the MVC Library database. Then connect what you’ve learned about your topic from interpreting and analyzing these texts and write for a local audience of your peers.
Things to shoot for
Show that you have carefully and thoroughly read the texts for this unit and that you have considered different viewpoints and evidence. 10%
Show you are really thinking about the question asked —these are complex questions, so don’t settle for easy answers. And don’t feel you have to take an “either/ or” position. 10%
Write so that someone not in our class can understand the entire essay 10%
Make three references in quotes followed by explanations and paraphrases of events to the novel, Exit West 15%
Make a reference to at least three additional sources from the MVC Library databases such as Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, SIRS Researcher, and Films on Demand. 15%
Your paper should be approximately 2,000 words, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and use the MLA format. 10%
Briefly summarize the points of the novel using the template taught in the class 5%
Formulate a strong thesis that previews the content of the paper 10%
Use the MEAL pattern in body paragraphs to introduce the main point, provide the evidence with a quote or a fact, an analysis of the evidence, and an organic transition to link to the next point 10%


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