Imagine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your


Imagine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your

Imagine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your research on the relationships between educational philosophies, legal and ethical responsibilities, and professional standards in serving students in diverse classrooms and schools for presentation at an upcoming district meeting.
Create a 5-minute video.
Include the following in your video:
An introduction defining the differences between the following elements and 2 examples of each:
Educational philosophies
Legal and ethical responsibilities of teachers
Professional standards
A review of how each of the elements relates to delivering impactful teaching and learning in diverse classrooms and schools
A short case study/dilemma incorporating all 3 elements that might be faced by a classroom teacher and a suggested resolution
Cite a minimum of 3 sources in your video.
Refer to the following document for instructions on how to use Microsoft Stream to create and upload your video.
Using Stream for a Discussion or Assignment


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