Hypothesis Testing Project Due: Friday 5/10/24 at midnight. This statistics proj


Hypothesis Testing Project
Due: Friday 5/10/24 at midnight.
This statistics proj

Hypothesis Testing Project
Due: Friday 5/10/24 at midnight.
This statistics project makes up 10% of the final course grade for MATH 14, Statistical
Methods. The purpose of the project is to give you hands-on statistical research
experience where you work with real data that you have collected.
The project will be limited to hypothesis tests outlined in Chapter 8. This means that the
claim you will be testing will be related to a single population (not two populations as
described in Chapter 9).
After you choose the idea for your project, the basic steps will be:
1) Forming a research question and stating the question as a claim to be tested with
a hypothesis test.
Note: Your exact claim might be formed AFTER you collect the data and do
some preliminary analysis.
2) Collecting the appropriate data.
3) Calculating the various descriptive statistics necessary to describe the


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