Create a 4–6 page description and justification of your ideal learning situation


Create a 4–6 page description and justification of your ideal learning situation

Create a 4–6 page description and justification of your ideal learning situation.
Imagine you have inherited a ton of money and will never have to work for income for the rest of your life. Think of something you have wished you could experience or learn or figure out if only you had the time or money or energy. What would you learn, and how would you do it? Is your unique way of approaching learning this thing like other people’s, or is it different?
Apply learning theory terminology and concepts to describe the learning situation.Identify what you will learn.
Using a learning theory of your choice from any presented in the course, explain your understanding of this topic, concept, or skill so far.
Describe how you will learn your new topic, concept, or skill.
Predict what you should be able to do or understand after your learning experience, using terms from this theory.
Justify which learning theory best supports your personal learning situation.Explain why this plan works best for you. Is it your personality, experience, knowledge, or something else that makes this the best plan?
Critique this theory: what could it explain well about you and your learning plan and what could it simply not?
Select a case from Learning Theories: Case Studies.
Analyze the ability of a theory to explain and predict a case.Identify what the person in the case was hoping to learn.
Explore whether your approach to learning your topic, concept, or skill from Part 1, above, would work effectively for the person in the selected case to learn their topic, concept, or skill.
Explain any challenges that would be involved for the person from the case study learning this way.
Critique the learning theory you chose in Part 1 for its ability to explain and predict learning for the person.
Note: You are asked to write from your perspective for many of the elements of this paper. When you are presenting your own theoretical orientation and learning plan, it is most appropriate to use the first person.
Requirements: 4-6


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