Chose between these books The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, The tao of physi


Chose between these books The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, The tao of physi

Chose between these books The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, The tao of physics by fritjof capra, and parallel worlds by Micchio Kaku
Title page including title of your paper, authors name, your name, date, and section.
2 pages in length.
All of these elements should be found in your analysis.
Who is the author and what is his/her general background? Why was their purpose for writing this book?
What struck you or stood out in this book and why? Be as reflective and thoughtful as you can. This is the soul of the paper.
How does this book change/challenge the way you look at or think about some previously held belief about the world? If it did not change or challenge anything for you, then carefully explain why. Make this personal. You are encouraged to use “I” in this paper!


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