Your final paper will mimic all of the features of a publishable scholarly artic


Your final paper will mimic all of the features of a publishable scholarly artic

Your final paper will mimic all of the features of a publishable scholarly article, in abbreviated form. It should be about 20-22 double-spaced pages. I provided a copy of the notes for the instructions of the assignment as well as what I have written so far I need you to edit the introduction and all the other sections and write the remaining sections of the essay. Edit and revise what is already there I have written a majority of it but I am having trouble on the literature review and having it all make sense so I need help on that. Ignore the mentioning of “WAGS” in the copy of the notes that is someone else’s research paper topic. I also am providing examples of other research papers from the professors other classes. Focus on editing the literature review finish writing it and writing the textual analysis


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