You should talk about the spread of Communism in East Asia. You can talk about e


You should talk about the spread of Communism in East Asia. You can talk about e

You should talk about the spread of Communism in East Asia. You can talk about early Communist movements in East Asia and focus more on the Soviet Union (use this article in the link-
Rather than write a traditional research essay, you will develop an ArcGIS StoryMaps project. The website will be due Thursday, May 9, and I’ll ask that you write 500-800 words (or more) and include 5 (or more) images, videos, maps, or other media.
Although the website is not a research essay, the same criteria – argument, analysis, use of evidence, organization, style, and grammar – will be the basis for determining your grade. In terms of evidence, I do not expect you to do extensive amounts of additional research beyond the assigned course materials and discussions. In terms of writing, you do not need to write a traditional five-paragraph essay, but the argument does need to flow logically and the whole should relate to your main argument.
The grade for your project is based upon the weighted average of three grades: an assessment of a) the amount of critical thinking shown in supporting the analysis/argument (35%); b) the accuracy and quantity of the evidence, including the use of images, video, and other media (35%); c) effectiveness of organization and clarity in writing (30%).
I will attach the pdf for the rubric and instructions in detail. Please follow, thank you!


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