Topic: Is punishment better than reinforcement in shaping human behaviour? -250


Topic: Is punishment better than reinforcement in shaping human behaviour?

Topic: Is punishment better than reinforcement in shaping human behaviour?
-2500 words
– APA 7th format
– You must include a minimum of 7 references
– You will require more than 7 references from a diverse range of sources.
• Journal articles and scientific reports are generally considered stronger sources of evidence.
Keep in mind that the quality of your evidence is a key element
Important note: Sources that you use as key evidence
should be published within the last 10 years (2014-2024).
All body paragraphs should follow the
TEECL structure:
Topic sentence – the first sentence in a body paragraph that clear states a key argument. It tells the reader what the main idea or claim of the paragraph will be.
Explanation – Explain what you mean in greater detail.
Evidence – Provide evidence to support your idea or claim. To do this, refer to your research (i.e., the findings from the studies discussed in the journal articles you have found). Remember that all evidence will require appropriate citation.
Comment – Consider the strengths and limitations of the evidence and examples that you have presented. Explain how your evidence supports your key argument (i.e. how does it ‘prove’ your topic sentence?).
Link – Summarise the main idea of the paragraph, and make clear how this paragraph supports your overall contention


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