Remember, the introduction is where you introduce the topic at hand, provide nec


Remember, the introduction is where you introduce the topic at hand, provide nec

Remember, the introduction is where you introduce the topic at hand, provide necessary background information, and end with your thesis statement. Since this essay is fairly short, your introduction should be no more than one paragraph in length. Please revise. This is your chance to find a creative way to introduce this topic and draw in your reader’s interest. Perhaps you can create an intriguing character in a very short story, one that explains how homelessness affects us all. Remember, your reader will be very well-versed in your topic. They simply have a different stance on your thesis.
Your recognition of opposing positions should be more precise, and you can provide arguments and research specifically to address these opposing positions.(Make sure you present opposing views to your argument: Arguments supporting the thesis statement acknowledge opposing positions and provide arguments and research specifically to address these opposing positions.)
Include more outside evidence, for you counter arguments.
Include transitional phrases to add fluidity to your essay.
Be sure your final draft is formatted according to APA guidelines.


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