Include the actual assignment/assessment. This could be a quiz, test, performanc


Include the actual assignment/assessment. This could be a quiz, test, performanc

Include the actual assignment/assessment. This could be a quiz, test, performance task, choice board, etc. It
should be designed for a standard and learning targets you will teach during the field experience.
AS A SINGLE DOCUMENT the following items:
– Three (3) Student Work Samples of your assessment: Remove/whiteout actual student names; label
documents (Student 1, Student 2, and Student 3).
In selecting work samples, choose one student who did well in understanding the concept, one student
who struggled to understand the concept, and one student with specific learning needs, such as an
English Language Learner, an EIP student, a student with an IEP, a gifted student, etc.
– Evaluation Criteria: This is how you evaluated it. This could be a quiz, test, performance task, choice
board, etc. with clearly written scoring criteria. You may include a rubric if that is how this is scored.
Label the document Evaluation Criteria and include which standards are assessed.
– A table/chart: This is used to record student performance in a way that is easy to analyze. Note that pie
charts bar graphs, etc. charting class averages are not helpful. You need to chart how EACH student
performed on EACH skill or concept assessed.
– A narrative where paragraphs explain:
a. Patterns in success for the class and your 3 selected students
b. Patterns in errors for the class and your 3 selected students
c. Hypotheses about the errors, student misconceptions, etc.
1) AKS 3:Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
2)AKS 6: Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.


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