Exploring the Relationship Between Workplace Flexibility, Work-Life Balance, and


Exploring the Relationship Between Workplace Flexibility, Work-Life Balance, and

Exploring the Relationship Between Workplace Flexibility, Work-Life Balance, and Employee Well-Being in Estonia’s FinTech Sector.
All information about the project will be in attached file. Please do only what I will include in this descriiption for now. It should be done by May 14th
Below are the bullet points that will help you focus on the key elements for your Introduction chapter, which should be approximately 1,000 words:
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Begin with an overview of the FinTech sector in Estonia, highlighting its rapid growth and the shift towards digital platforms.
Discuss the prevalence of workplace flexibility and remote/hybrid work arrangements in the industry (especially during/after COVID)
Mention the importance of work-life balance and employee well-being in the context of remote work.
Here you can use some background statistics to justify practical relevancy of your topic
1.2 Problem Statement and Significance of the Study
Articulate the challenges faced by employees in maintaining well-being (avoiding burnout) and connect it to WLB and flexible work arrangements
Emphasize the theoretical and practical implications of understanding this relationship. Outline the expected contributions of your research to the field.
Highlight the gap in existing literature regarding the Estonian FinTech sector and the need for this study.
1.3 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions
Clearly state the aim of your thesis: To explore how workplace flexibility and work-life balance affect employee well-being in the FinTech sector.
Present the main research questions you intend to answer through your study. Use the helpful words to connect concepts from your title: (e.g. what are the factors influencing…, or that is the impact of … to …, or what is the relationship between …)
1.4 Definitions of Terms
Define key terms such as ‘workplace flexibility,’ ‘work-life balance,’ and ‘employee well-being’ to ensure clarity.
Remember, the Introduction is your opportunity to set the stage for your research. It should engage the reader and provide a clear roadmap of what to expect in your thesis.


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