The Bhagavadgita can be read as having the primary purpose of instructing Arjun


The Bhagavadgita can be read as having the primary purpose of instructing Arjuna (and the reader) about how to act properly in a confusing and emotionally charged situation. What are the key teachings about how one is to act properly in such a situation (or in any situation). You must cite and discuss some specific, key passages from the Bhagavadgita to support or illustrate your points.
Essay requirements:
The essay response must be 1200-1500 words in length.
All arguments or statements made about the Bhagavadgita need to be rooted in these text themselves, and this needs to be made clear through direct reference to these texts.
Every reference to an idea in the text, every paraphrase of something in the text, and every direct quotation must be followed by a citation in parentheses with a page number.
Direct quotation of a passage from the text should be used only in order to present an analysis of the passage. The student should never quote from the text something that can be paraphrased in the student’s own words.
No works cited page or bibliography is required.


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