Social Identity Development Analysis We have studied several different theories


Social Identity Development Analysis
We have studied several different theories to understand identity development. Thinking about your Story and other aspects of who you are, please reflect on and analyze your own identity in relationship to these theoretical approaches. Some questions to consider as you reflect on your social identity include: Do one or more of these approaches or theories resonate most strongly with how you understand yourself or influence new ways of how you are coming to understand yourself? Is there a particular theory that spoke most directly to your experiences? Did it speak entirely to your experiences? Or perhaps combinations of theoretical approaches and theories best describe your identity? Thinking back to your Story and/or thinking you have done over the semester about your Story, in what ways has your identity, including ways in which you are privileged and marginalized, mediated your development? Please be sure to include sufficient descriiption to demonstrate your understanding of the theories or theoretical approaches you are describing, as well as sufficient detail about your identity to illustrate your ability to apply theory to your own self-understanding.
Your analysis should be 5-6 pages in length double-spaced, 1-inch margins,12-point, Times New Roman font, and Microsoft Word Format Include appropriate citations and a reference page, in APA style. Due on Brightspace on by Monday, April 15 by 6:45 p.m.
Grading Rubric
Analysis of your own development in relation to the theory – (35 points)
Analysis of theory using your own words and showing that you understand key concepts or tenets of the theory – (35 points)
Analysis of theory shows strengths and weaknesses as you see them in relation to your realities and experiences – (35 points)
Appropriate APA citation, grammar, ease of writing, quality of writing, writing has clearly been proof read and self critiqued before handing in – (20 points)
I am marginalized with the intersection of two identities – being a Black woman.
I am privileged as an American citizen.
I have attached a paper that sheds details on my story. I have also added readings to be referenced with social identity development.


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