Overview For this discussion forum post you will customize the invoice and Proof


For this discussion forum post you will customize the invoice and Proof forms in Adobe Illustrator based on the criteria provided this week, and upload your completed files here as .jpg files. These will be considered “living documents,” so we will continue to update them over the next few weeks based on class lectures.
Assignment Relevance
This assignment is important because learning to create, and use invoices and proof forms are an important part of running your own design business. You will need to design and use invoices and proof forms when running your own business in the fields of Graphic Design and Multimedia.
Steps to Complete this Assignment
DOWNLOAD the templates
REVIEW the required sections that you need to include on your invoices and proof forms
REVIEW your ideas/inspiration that you found last week
USE Illustrator to customize the templates based on your own preferred aesthetics (composition, color, shapes, etc.)
UPLOAD your completed invoice and proof forms to this locationtemplates to Customize for Class
Links to an external site.Project Billing Spreadsheet
Please customize the provided Microsoft Excel project billing spreadsheet Download project billing spreadsheetso that it can be used to keep track of your time worked on upcoming class projects. You must customize the following sections of the project billing spreadsheet:add your name/business name in the header section
add the client name
add your hourly rate to the Cost/Hour fields for the different types of tasks
change any of the items in the work description fields as you see fit
Please customize the provided Adobe Illustrator invoice template, Download nvoice template, or use it as a reference to create a whole new one from scratch. Your invoice should demonstrate your unique aesthetic, thus you need to significantly change the template from its current state. Your completed invoice must include the following sections:your logo – designed as a thumbnail sketch from the assignment last week
your contact information – including your phone number and email address
date – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
project name – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
terms – this section describes when payment is expected
quantity section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
description section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
rate section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
amount section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
total due section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
Proof Form
The proof form is the document that the client will review and sign off on, or makes notes regarding requested changes. Please customize the provided Adobe Illustrator proof form Download proof form, or use it as a reference to create a whole new one from scratch. Your Proof Form should demonstrate your unique aesthetic, thus you need to significantly change the template from its current state. Your proof form must include the following:your logo – designed as a thumbnail sketch from the assignment last week
your contact information – including your phone number and email address
date – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
project name – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
proof type section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
approved checkbox section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
changes section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
signed by client section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
date by client section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
print name by client section – this will be a blank placeholder that you will fill out at a later time
language at the bottom explaining the AMOUNT you will charge for changes made after the document is signed
The following video will go over the basics for understanding the purpose of the these documents, and how you will work with them in Adobe Illustrator. Please first watch the assigned LinkedIN Learning videos for more step-by-step instruction on using Illustrator.https://youtu.be/XajH5GfVY-cLinks to an external site.I chose the web design job and the hourly rate of $45/hour.I set this rate based on the following:1. Research the market rates in my area that range from $30 to $60 an hour2. Based on my experience and portfolio, which demonstrates a strong understanding of web design principles and technologies (assuming, of course)3. Considering the cost of living in my area and the need to compete fairly with colleaguesFor the graphic design hourly rate, I choose $28/hour.
Considering the complexity and range of graphic design projects, which can vary from 20 to 40 dollars


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