Philip Joseph has recently critiqued the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty,


Philip Joseph has recently critiqued the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, arguing that greater attention must be paid to the “parliamentary-judicial dynamic in the creation, interpretation and application of legislation.”1 Provide a critical analysis of this argument.

In setting out your analysis you should consider:
The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, including its historical development and underlying rationale
The doctrine of separation of powers, and the roles and powers of parliament and the judiciary (remembering that Cabinet is a committee of parliament), including justifiable limits to those powers
It is important that you are familiar with the material covered in the set readings and lectures as well as do some independent research. There is no correct number of references, but in my experience, good essays use between 6 – 10 sources that you have found yourself. It also depends on how you use the sources – they need to be relevant to the assignment, and you need to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and thought about them in the context of your question.


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