I need 5 references with 3 being research studies using qualitative and quantita


I need 5 references with 3 being research studies using qualitative and quantitative research. The references need to be in APA format. The 3 research studies should include What Special education teachers say the common challenging behaviors shown by students with ADHD, identify effective strategies and techniques used by special education teachers to manage the challenging behavior, if special education teachers feel the need for continuous professional development and support regarding ADHD. This should be focused more on special education teachers.
I will need an introduction, Hypothesis, Material and Methodology, Data collection and analysis, Results- which should include at least 3 graphs related to What special education teachers say the common challenging behaviors shown by students with ADHD are , identify effective strategies and techniques used by special education teachers to manage the challenging behavior, if special education teachers feel the need for continuous professional development and support regarding ADHD, research findings, conclusion and reference section. I will also need what the 3 research studies were used in this project written in the methodology section along with information on the study and also cite it in the reference section. I will need the information on the file below.


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