Hypothetical exhibition on Hélio Oiticica titled Reconfiguration of Frames—Parti


Hypothetical exhibition on Hélio Oiticica titled Reconfiguration of Frames—Participatory art of Hélio Oiticica
Loose argument:
In Oiticica’s participatory art series Penetrable, Bolide and Parangole with. the four works featured, the fluidity in roles of spectator and art-maker, the dismantled frameworks of hierarchy that existed in art challenges the conventional status quo of suppression of free engagement with creativity and art, and social marginalization that pervade the field of creativity in context of Brazilian dictatorship.
Works in the exhibition:
1 Hélio Oiticica, Eden,1969.
2 Hélio Oiticica, B33 Bólide Caixa 18 “Homenagem a Cara de Cavalo” Caixa-poema 2, 1965-66. Glass, wood, photo-graphs, painted nylon mesh, iron bars, transparent plastic, red pigment.
3 Hélio Oiticica, P3 Parangolé Tenda 1, 1964-65. Paint, wood, plastic, straw matting, nylon screen, 264 x 120 x 120 cm.
4 Hélio Oiticica, P4 Parangolé Capa 1, 1964. Paint, polyvinyl acetate emulsion, canvas, vinyl plastic, tulle, nylon mesh, cord, 105 x 94 x 9.8 cm.
Scholarly sources you should refer to and cite:
Irene V. Small. 2015. Hélio Oiticica: Folding the Frame. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 304 pp. (make sure you look at this one carefully)
Harris, Laura. Experiments in Exile: C. L. R. James, Hélio Oiticica, and the Aesthetic Sociality of Blackness. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018. muse.jhu.edu/book/63069.
The assignment adheres to all instructions and is:
-6-8 pages
-Includes the title
-Includes a 2-3 page introductory essay
– The introductory essay not only summarizes the overall aims of the hypothetical exhibition but provides a clear thesis statement that makes a claim that can be argued for or against.
– The introductory essay also suggests how the argument will unfold/be supported by the chosen works of art.
– The thesis is consistently revisited throughout the body of the introductory essay.
– The introductory essay cites outside research responsibly (when appropriate) in connection to relevant contextual background, history, etc.
-Includes 4-5 one-page essays that analyze individual works of art in connection to the thesis
– Individual essays on analysis of each artwork pointedly connect chosen artworks to the aims of the exhibition/argument being made.
– Individual essays identify each artwork fully (artist, title, date, medium).
– Individual essays also analyze specific works of art by considering elements of their form AND content in ways that connect back to the aims of the exhibition.
– Outside research is properly cited when appropriate.
-Includes a concluding paragraph
-Includes a bibliography ( MLA or Chicago rather date)


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