Ask any questions , will also be doing the presentation after you accept this, i


Ask any questions , will also be doing the presentation after you accept this, i can create different order for presentation. Make sure to work on the presentation first & then paper because presentation is due before.
Self-Guided Exploration Project
The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to deeply explore a topic related to American Indian/Alaska Native people. Each student will identify a topic (e.g., tribe, event, individual, cultural art, practice, policy, etc.), develop a plan to learn about that topic, and regularly share (informally) with the class information about that topic. Students are encouraged to select topics that pique their interests; topics need not be directly related to social welfare.
1) Submit Topic & Plan – Each student should identify a topic and propose a brief plan of action (1 page), including references and sources for exploring the topic.
2) Research Paper – Develop an 8-10 page research paper on the topic, including relevant facts, context, and meaning surrounding the topic. Incorporate and document sources of information on the topic (including written scholarly sources, but also oral history, tribal or other AI/AN records, interviews, memoirs, etc.). Use APA style and references.
3) Presentation -Students must create a brief (5 minutes) online presentation to be shared with classmates. Students have considerable flexibility in how they present their exploration topic, they may use Powerpoint, video, audio, or any other format or medium to share this presentation.
Paper and presentation should address the following elements:
• Introduce and explain the topic.
• Provide context on the topic (e.g., the topic’s relationship to a particular time, event, Tribe, policy, contemporary representation, etc.).
• Connect the topic to materials covered in the course.
• Explore the topic’s relevance to social welfare. How is/might knowledge of this topic be incorporated into social welfare practice, policy, or research?
This is my topic for the project : Topic: The Trail of Tears
The event from the 1830s which forced the evacuation and relocation of Native Americans, especially the Cherokee Nation, from their ancestral homelands in the Southeast to modern-day Oklahoma is known as the “Trail of Tears,” a tragic period in American history. I chose to talk about the Trail of Tears because it is a painful and important event in American history that has affected Indigenous populations in the country for a long time. Indigenous peoples have been systematically oppressed and dispossessed, as seen by the forcible displacement of Native American tribes. The Trail of Tears is a moving reminder of the wrongs committed against Native Americans by the US government, showcasing their tenacious grit and fortitude in the face of hardship. Recognizing the Trail of Tears’ historical relevance is essential to understanding the current battles for social welfare, justice, and Indigenous sovereignty. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the U.S. government to organize this tragic trek, caused thousands of Native Americans to be uprooted and many more to perish from malnourishment, famine, and exposure to hostile environments. A permanent legacy of pain and resiliency among impacted Indigenous communities, the Trail of Tears stands for a grave injustice and a grave violation of Indigenous sovereignty and rights.
Friedman, G. (2023). Illegible Histories, Invisible Movements: Indigenous Refusal in Blake Hausman’s Riding the Trail of Tears. PMLA : Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 138(1), 83–97.
Jackson, J., & Vallowe, M. (2021). Cherokee Historical Fiction and Indigenous Science Fiction in Riding the Trail of Tears. Melus, 45(4), 113–132.
Comments from Customer
I have uploaded full instructions, theres no instructions beyond that. Let me know if understood. I have also uploaded examples of presentation so you can tell me how many pages will be needed? Thank you


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