These are the key components and outline Creation of Laws: a) To begin, define “


These are the key components and outline
Creation of Laws:
a) To begin, define “crime.”
b) Then, compare Functionalist (Consensus) vs. Conflict (Marxist) perspectives as they relate to the creation and enforcement of law.
2. Policing
a) Identify in order and describe key steps in the criminal justice process that are conducted by police.
b) Describe and analyze at least one of the following issues, including its significance and relevant court decisions:
i. Miranda rights
ii. Excessive use of force
iii. Police discretion
iv. Terry Stop
3. Court Operations
a) Identify in order and describe key steps/components of the judicial process.
b) Describe and analyze at least one of the following issues, including its significance and relevant court decisions:
i. Plea bargaining
ii. Bail
iii. Voir Dire
iv. Prosecutorial Discretion
v. Sentencing models
vi. Due Process
vii. Right to Counsel
4. Correctional Activities
a) Describe the possible sanctions that come with a determination of guilt.
b) Analyze at least one of the following issues, including its significance and any relevant court decisions:
i. Appeals Process
ii. Parole Boards/Parole
iii. Prison Services (i.e. training, education, etc.)
iv. Private or For-Profit Prisons
Requirements: 3 to 4 pages | .doc file


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