Part 1: Database research Find an evidence-based practice article, systematic r


Part 1: Database research
Find an evidence-based practice article, systematic review, practice guideline, or research report from a non-American author and center. Examine the author’s details to determine what country the scholar comes from.
Read the source and write a 1- to- 2 page paper summarizing the article and its focus and explaining if the focus is relevant to nursing care in the United States. Include your opinion on how the perspective is similar and different from a typical U.S. perspective.
Part 2: Proposed intervention
Please write me a 400-600 words proposed intervention about the air pollution that is going on in Poland. Please make sure you use sources and make sure to CITE those sources please please please. More instructions that been posted in the file below but write me 400-600 words about things that can be done to help the air pollution that is going on in Poland.
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