You must find a resendential lease contract online to analyze.Your analysis shou


You must find a resendential lease contract online to analyze.Your analysis shou

You must find a resendential lease contract online to analyze.Your analysis should be 4 pages (typed double spaced) in length (cover pages and reference pages do not count towards the page count) and follow APA style and format. Generally, you should answer the following questions within your analysis and provide in-depth discussion:
UnderstandingAre the parties clearly identified? Who are the parties to this contract.
Analyze who the typical audience is and discuss whether this contract is appropriately written for this audience (e.g. are they both merchants or individuals, does it make a difference if one is a merchant or and the other party is not?).
Is there any “fine print” that is concerning? If so, why?
AnalysisAre there any ambiguous terms? If so, which ones and why?
Does the contract provide a resolution mechanism if there are disputes?
Do you find any items particularly interesting about the contract?
How are breaches handled?
Are there any surprises in this contract?
Are each party’s obligations clear? Why or why not?
RecommendationsDo you have recommendations on how to improve the contract?
Note that the paper must also include a list of references, use headings (understanding, analysis, and recommendations) as listed above, and cite all sources using APA citation and format.


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