You have to answer the discussion question and engage with the paragraph provide


You have to answer the discussion question and engage with the paragraph provide

You have to answer the discussion question and engage with the paragraph provided. Be specific and identify key themes and use evidence from the novel, which you will find attached. You only need to focus from page 130 to 253.
1. Is there an ideal way a U.S. oil company could work with another country and its citizens? What guidelines would you set for such an arrangement?
2. Personally, metaphors and reading between the lines resonates with me the most when reading. So, as we discuss memory, who gets to (re)member, and slow violence in the context of How Beautiful We Were and the course content at large- what resonated with me was my interpretation of an extremely delicate narrative. Between pages 248 and 251, a story of a devastating sexual assault was told, and the lasting impacts of that sexual assault were described. In the text, a young boy is assaulted by his uncle who is a prominent figure in the town; therefore, his story is kept hidden from the public for the protection of the uncle. A quote from this section that relates to slow violence and colonialism is on page 250, which states, “Your husband’s sister told you to wipe your eyes, show them that you were a strong boy. Look at your body, your sister’s husband said, did the uncle leave any scars? You shook your head. So there’s nothing for you to dwell on, then, your sister said. As soon as you let go of the whole episode, there would be nothing worth talking about”(Mbue, 250). This quote serves as a greater metaphor for who gets to (re)member such violence under the oppressive forces of colonialism. Last class, we discussed slow violence from a physical perspective and from a psychological perspective. Here, the boy faced slow violence as his story was silenced. It can be metaphorically compared that the sister and her husband are the colonial powers and the boy is the African continent- silenced under power dynamics and memories lost.


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