Unit 6 Assignment: Validating Data Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Out


Unit 6 Assignment: Validating Data
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Out

Unit 6 Assignment: Validating Data
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Begin the UI development.
Develop user input validation plan.
Course Outcomes:
IT391-3: Analyze best practices for interactive user interface design.
GEL-2.02: Interpret various data formats.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop and implement a user interface that accepts user input.
This assignment will consist of two parts (Part A and Part B).
Assignment Requirements
For the programming portion:
Java students: use WindowBuilder™ in Eclipse.
C# students: use Visual Studio.
Web development students use the HTML Web Editor in Eclipse.
There are videos on the reading page that show how to use each of these tools.
Graphical User Interface — C#
Graphical User Interface — Java
Graphical User Interface — Web Development
Assignment Instructions
Unit 6 Assignment: Part A
Consider the data that you will be asking the user to input and write a 1- to 2-page data input validation plan that includes the following:
A discussion of the steps you will take in your interface design to ensure that data entry is correct in terms of content and format.
A review of the data types for each field of data entry in the user interface that you developed.
An explanation of the rationale for choosing each data type.
Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. For more information on APA style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course.
Unit 6 Assignment: Part B
Using the appropriate tool for your language, (as noted above), implement a user interface that allows the user to enter data. You can create the interface based on your previously created wireframe, or you can create a new interface. Validate the data according to your data validation plan.
When the user interface is complete, ask at least one person to use the interface and provide feedback. Test that your data validation plan is implemented and working correctly. Record the results of your test.
For the test, ask the user to enter both correct and incorrect data and both correct and incorrect formats to demonstrate that validation is working. Your test report should list each input provided by the user and the result.
Input Age (between 5 and 18):
User enters 19 Result:
Age is out of range
Input Email: User enters happy.purdueglobal.edu
Result: email requires an @ symbol
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Submit a single zip file containing the data validation plan, the zipped project folder, and the test results (in Word or Excel)


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