The topic is on Shelter blues Book by Robert R. Desjarlais. Its is to make a bo


The topic is on Shelter blues
Book by Robert R. Desjarlais.
Its is to make a bo

The topic is on Shelter blues
Book by Robert R. Desjarlais.
Its is to make a book review.
My teacher noticed ai and that i didn’t title things correctly.
the directions are Assignment: Write a critical book review on a book from the list at the end of these instructions. Here are some guidelines that must be met:
The minimum word count for the body of your paper is 1250 words. The Title page, Bibliography, etc. are not part of this word count.
For formatting and citing your references, use the Chicago, MLA or APA citation style. If your discipline uses another major citation style, you may contact me for permission to use this style. Here is a link with an overview of these three styles (Click on one of the brown bars for each style, on the left side of page.)
Upload your file as a Word file – if you need to use another type of file, please contact me for permission.
Pretend that you are writing this review for publication in a journal, and address the reader accordingly – they will not have participated in our class.
The full name of the book, the full name of the author and the year of publication should always appear in the text in the first paragraph of your essay.
Your thesis must appear in the first paragraph of your essay. It should be clear and concise. If you can′t state it in one sentence, you have not developed it well enough yet.
Your book review should be an evaluation of the content of the text:
Above all, a review makes an argument. The most important element of a review is that it is a commentary, not merely a summary. It allows you to enter into dialogue and discussion with the work′s creator and with other audiences. You can offer agreement or disagreement and identify where you find the work exemplary or deficient in its knowledge, judgments, or organization.
You are not criticizing the work or the author, but evaluating/analyzing how this work makes important scholastic contributions, as well as how the ideas presented fit in with concepts in psychological anthropology that you have learned in class
You should clearly outline your analysis of the work in question, and your perspective should be embedded in a discussion that follows the conventions of other types of academic writing, with a thesis statement/argument in the first paragraph, a supporting body of paragraphs each of which makes a separate point, and a conclusion (keep in mind that conclusions should be longer than 3-4 sentences).
Your review should include your reaction to the work, expressed in a scholarly manner as a critique. Summary should be kept to a minimum, and specific details from the book used to support each point/argument that you make.
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