READ Chapter 12 in the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communicat


READ Chapter 12 in the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communicat

READ Chapter 12 in the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills!
READ Discussion Board Instructions/Expectations in Unit 12.
DB Prompt
Write a summary of 3 key points discussed in this chapter.
Write each point in a separate paragraph.
Identify a conflict you have experienced in either your family, social circle, professional life, or intimate life.
Provide a brief description of the conflict. Example: “I had a disagreement with my significant other about financial issues.”
Describe how the conflict was managed.
Based on textbook reading, what would you do differently to manage the conflict?
Make sure you use information from the text to post your discussion.
When using information from the textbook, make sure you cite the source (Saba, Chapter 12)
Reply to 2 student posts. Use textbook citations when responding to student posts.
. Write in paragraph structure (5-6 sentences, then start a new paragraph.
Textbook References: Clear references to the textbook are required in both the original thread post and both peer responses for all course DBs.Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!
Original threads/posts should be at least 400-500 words total and have a least one clear and connected textbook reference from the specified chapter with a proper citation (chapter number, page number).


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