Purpose For the major assessment, you will reflect on your development as a writ


For the major assessment, you will reflect on your development as a writ

For the major assessment, you will reflect on your development as a writer this semester by creating a video tour of your completed Argument Research Paper. This major assessment will allow you to reflect on your processes over the semester. It will show that you understand the formal rules and informal guidelines of some types of academic writing and research. It also allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the choices you made for the work on your research paper.
Assessment Topic
Create a 3 ½ to 5 minute video explaining the process you followed to develop your Argument Research Paper.
Review how to use Canvas Studio screen capture videoLinks to an external site..
Get your picture ID ready to verify your identity during the recording.
Reflect on your process for developing the Argument Research Paper. Consider what assignments and sources you would show as you explain your process.
Note: Your video should be 3 ½ to 5 minutes long. If your video is longer than 5 minutes, I will stop viewing your video at the five-minute mark, and any content that is presented later in the video will not be considered for the grading criteria. It is important that you organize your thoughts in advance so you can present your information effectively.
Open the documents, pages, and sources you will need to show the viewer to explain your research process.
Start a Canvas Studio screen capture video.
Make sure your webcam video is showing in a corner of the screen and the lighting is good in the room so the information is readable.
Hold your ID up close to the camera. The name on the ID must match the name you used to enroll in the course.
Introduce yourself as you present your picture ID.
Present your finished Argument Research Paper to the viewer. Do not read the paper as part of your presentation. Instead, explain to the viewer how you completed the research paper.
Introduce your research topic and why you chose the topic. Present the argumentative thesis that you developed about the topic.
Highlight sections of the paper that you are particularly proud of and explain why you think they work well.
Highlight sections of the paper that you think need more work or attention and explain why they need improvement. (Note: ALL written work needs improvement. Don’t pretend that everything is perfect here in hopes of boosting your final paper grade!)
Show the viewer the specific sections of your sources that you used in the Argument Research Paper. Explain why you chose those sections and ignored other parts of the sources. (Have your sources open in separate tabs before you begin the video to streamline this process.)
Show the viewer work from your prewriting assignments that helped you to create the final paper. Explain how you used feedback from those assignments in the final paper. (Have your completed prewriting assignments open in separate tabs before you begin the video to streamline this process.)
Briefly evaluate and explain how you worked to develop counterargument and refutation to strengthen your argument. Show the counterargument and refutation in your research paper.
Conclude your recording with final thoughts about your successes and challenges with the research paper. Comment on why learning these skills has been important and how they will play a role in your future academic life and your future goals.
Submit your Canvas Studio video recording as a file uploadLinks to an external site..
The Major Assessment is worth 150 points. It counts as 20% of your final grade. You must receive a minimum of 60% on the Major Assessment to pass the course.
Major Assessment
Major Assessment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent ID
2 to >1.0 ptsProficient
Student introduces themselves and presents a picture ID.
1 to >0.0 ptsCompetent
Student introduces themselves but does not show a picture ID or student does not introduce themselves but presents a picture ID.
0 ptsNovice
Student does not introduce themselves and does not present a picture ID.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
18 to >16.0 ptsProficient
Introduces research topic and fully explains reason for selecting topic. Clearly presents thesis.
16 to >13.0 ptsCompetent
Introduces research topic and mostly explains reason for selecting topic. Presents thesis.
13 to >0 ptsNovice
Does not clearly introduce research topic and explain reason for selecting topic. Does not present thesis.
18 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBest Sections
22 to >20.0 ptsProficient
Highlights best sections and explains fully why they are done well.
20 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
Highlights some best sections and mostly explains why they are done well.
16 to >0 ptsNovice
Highlights few or no best sections. Does not fully explain why they are done well.
22 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSections Needing Improvement
22 to >20.0 ptsProficient
Highlights sections that could use improvement and explains fully why they could be improved.
20 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
Highlights some sections that could use improvement and mostly explains why they could be improved.
16 to >0 ptsNovice
Highlights few or no sections that could use improvement. Does not explain why they could be improved.
22 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources
22 to >20.0 ptsProficient
Presents specific parts of sources and explains why they are used.
20 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
Presents some specific parts of sources and somewhat explains why they are used.
16 to >0 ptsNovice
Presents few to no specific parts of sources and does not explain why they are used.
22 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrewriting
22 to >20.0 ptsProficient
Presents all prewriting assignments and fully explains how they helped create the final page.
20 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
Presents some prewriting assignments and mostly explains how they helped create the final page.
16 to >0 ptsNovice
Presents few to no prewriting assignments and does not explain how they helped create the final page.
22 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCounterargument/Refutation
22 to >20.0 ptsProficient
Evaluates and clearly explains how the counterargument and refutation are developed and strengthen the argument.
20 to >16.0 ptsCompetent
Evaluates and mostly explains how the counterargument/refutation are developed and strengthen the argument.
16 to >0 ptsNovice
Does not evaluate and explain how the counterargument/refutation are developed and strengthen the argument.
22 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
20 to >18.0 ptsProficient
Presents insightful final thoughts about successes and challenges of the paper and future utility of skills.
18 to >14.0 ptsCompetent
Presents some final thoughts about successes and challenges of the paper and future utility of skills.
14 to >0 ptsNovice
Presents few to no final thoughts about successes and challenges of the paper and future utility of skills.
20 pts
Total Points: 150


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