OPTION 1 Some instructions/ guidelines for writing about a specific microorganis


Some instructions/ guidelines for writing about a specific microorganis

Some instructions/ guidelines for writing about a specific microorganism on a specific microorganism regarding global climate change (GCC)H.owever, be careful here –your paper should not be entirely focused on your chosen microorganism with respect to GCC
1)In the introduction, write a discussion as to why your chosen microorganism is associated with the problem of global warming/ global climate change..
What is the microorganism’s host range? Is it restricted to humans? Is it transmitted directly or indirectly – or both? Does it require a vehicle or vector for transmission? Does it have a preferred portal of entry i.e. does it matter how it enters the human body with respect to its ability to cause infection or disease? What is the microorganism’s reservoir? Can it be found as a commensal of the human being? Is it part of the normal human flora? Can there be carriers? Is the microorganism only found in certain parts of the world? Certain climates? Certain types of local environments?
2) In the main body of the paper, there are several subsections to be considered (which might overlap in content to a certain extent with the introduction).
a) Type of Microorganism:
What kind of microorganism is it? Is it bacterial, viral, fungal. You should discuss your organism some what. If it is viral, fungal, etc.
b) Epidemiology:
How is this microorganism transmitted to human beings? Is this related to the points discussed above? Where is this microorganism normally found in the environment – the microorganism might even be typically associated with human beings but we did not necessarily know about it until recently? Has human behavior or environmental conditions changed to cause this microorganism to now cause human disease? Has the microorganism evolved (changed at the genetic level) to become more pathogenic or more easily transmissible to humans, etc.?Is the microorganism considered to be contagious (communicable)?
c) Disease and virulence factors:
What kind of disease(s) is this organism associated with in human beings? What is known about its virulence factors (i.e. how does it do damage to the host)?Is there anything particularly interesting in the way the microorganism interacts with the human immune system (this point relates to the virulence of the microorganism)?Does the organism cause acute /chronic/ subacute/ latent infections?Are the infections sporadic in the human population or is there potential for the microorganism to cause epidemics or even pandemics?Does the microorganism cause disease in the human being as a primary infection or does it cause problems because it sets the stage for secondary infections?
d) Detection/diagnosis: Is this organism easy to diagnose/detect in humans? In their natural environment? How easy is the microorganism to grow in the laboratory? Study in the laboratory?Why or why not?
e)Treatment: If disease by the microorganism is treated, describe how?Can we use antibiotics or other drugs (chemotherapeutic agents)?Why or why not?Are there problems with drug resistance?
f)Prevention: If disease by the organism is preventable, describe how?Here we are referring to several considerations:
a) Is there an effective vaccine available?If so, what is the vaccine or vaccines.Is it widely used?Are there problems with the vaccine or with making it widely available?Or problems in developing a vaccine. If so, what are the problems?
b) If the vaccine is not used widely, explain why?If there are other problems with the vaccine explain (there may even be societal issues involved).
g)Breaking the chain of transmission: Are there other options with disease prevention by this organism?How about breaking the chain of transmission?This might require thinking about disinfection, etc. or changing human / animal behavior / pesticide use / other environmental considerations.
3)Conclusion: Provide a summary statement regarding your infectious disease agent regarding its association with global warming.
The paper should be approximately 4-5 pages long, not including the title page or bibliography. This will be described further later in this document. Make sure there is a bibliography section (i.e. list of references, a.k.a. works cited) at the end and there should be more than 4 to 5 references that are peer-reviewed references. Please see the attachment for more details.


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