INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF-REFLECTION PAPER  Length of Self-Reflection Paper: 1000-1


INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF-REFLECTION PAPER  Length of Self-Reflection Paper: 1000-1

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF-REFLECTION PAPER  Length of Self-Reflection Paper: 1000-1200 words (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page)  Format of Self-Reflection Paper: APA for font (Times New Roman, 12 pt.), title page, abstract, margins, and section headings, narrative (not outline) format COUC 521 Page 2 of 2  Quotations from reference sources: not permitted  Number of citations: 3 or more  Acceptable sources: scholarly articles/texts published within the last ten years  Required sections/headings: Strengths, Weaknesses, Plan for Improvement, Client Experience You will write about three things you believe you did well in a section with the heading of Strengths, and you will choose three things you believe were weaknesses of your interview for the Weaknesses sections. After considering the three weaknesses, construct a Plan for Improvement section that includes three ideas for improving that you found in scholarly references. In your final section, you will discuss three observations about your Experience as the Client. It is common to have reactions to being asked different questions or discussing certain topics, so discuss your experiences here with a few observations about yourself. Note that this section is not to be a critique of your classmate’s interviewing skills. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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