I got caught for cheating at SMC, and I have to write a report based off what I


I got caught for cheating at SMC, and I have to write a report based off what I

I got caught for cheating at SMC, and I have to write a report based off what I learned from this workshop
It has to be 2 FULL pages, double spaced 12 font times new Roman 1 inch margins
Answer the following questions in the essay:
1. What did you learn from the workshop?
2. ⁠How can you apply what you have learned from the workshop to avoid being sent to the Student Judicial Affaris office again?
This is the link to access the workshop:
Under “StudentLingo Library,” click on Learning to Learn. Then scroll down and click on the workshop “Academic Integrity: The Do’s and Dont’s”
I’ll give you my login info if you choose to do this for me plz
The workshop is just a few videos that go over a few topics. The essay needs to be 100% in your OWN words please. NO CHAT GPT or AI or anything. Please make sure you ONLY USE the material discussed in the workshop to complete this essay
Don’t include the questions in the reflection and don’t number your responses or include actual questions. This is a formal essay


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