Essay must be an argument. Length should be at least 1,000 but less than 1,300 w


Essay must be an argument.
Length should be at least 1,000 but less than 1,300 w

Essay must be an argument.
Length should be at least 1,000 but less than 1,300 words, including the works cited page.
Essay must conform to 8th edition MLA style guidelines; use one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, Helvetica, or Arial font.
Four sources must be incorporated into your essay and properly documented. One source must come from a personal interview with somebody from your community who is connected to the topic of your research. For example, if you are writing Option 1 on Climate change and addressing flooding, you can talk to someone who experienced a flood, a member at city planning on flood mitigation efforts, or a professor who is researching flooding. I make some recommendation of sources that are listed below each prompt. You can use those sources or other sources. but remember, there needs to be at least one personal interview. The rest of the sources can come from online or database sites. You must include appropriate in-text citations for all sources and a works cited page with entries for all cited works.


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