Discussion assignment 7 1515 unread replies.1515 replies. The required reading t


Discussion assignment 7
1515 unread replies.1515 replies.
The required reading t

Discussion assignment 7
1515 unread replies.1515 replies.
The required reading this week is “Ch. 5 – Suffer for the Cause: Nonprofits” (139-171) from Work Won’t Love You Back.
There are two parts to this discussion assignment. Each part is worth 15 points. Clearly separate Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1 – Reading Question
Answer the following reading question using examples from the text including quotations, paraphrase, or summary. Explain your answer.
Jaffe is critical of charity throughout the chapter. What problems does she identify with charity and nonprofit organizations?
Your answer to Part 1 must be at least 250 words. Here is a Quick Guide on MLA in-text citation and incorporating quotations.
Part 2 – Analyze pro-union rhetoric
Analyze the pro-union rhetoric in the following two sources:
“On Being a Union Member”Links to an external site. Watch the brief testimonials from SEIU union members. There are six videos, which are all less than 2 minutes long. Watch them all.
“What Unions Do”Links to an external site. This is a page on the AFL-CIO’s (the largest organization of labor unions) website. You don’t need to click on the links, just browse the page.
What repeated words, phrases, and imagery do you notice? This frequently used language can be described as characteristic of pro-union rhetoric.
Compare this pro-union rhetoric to the anti-union rhetoric you previously studied. What are some of the differences?
Your answer to Part 2 must be at least 250 words.


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