Consulting ONLY Kalinak′s Film Music, create a 3-5 minute lecture about the hist


Consulting ONLY Kalinak′s Film Music, create a 3-5 minute lecture about the hist

Consulting ONLY Kalinak′s Film Music, create a 3-5 minute lecture about the history of film music as illustrated by the films of either Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran (Persia), Italy, Japan, Mexico, or Russia (USSR). Choose 2-4 films from that country, mentioned by Kalinak, to illustrate the changes in film music throughout the 20th century. Your lecture should include a written desсrіption of how film music evolved, and you may include short film clips (available on Youtube) to demonstrate what you describe. Since the entire lecture, including demonstration film clips, should take no more than 5 minutes, the clips themselves should not be long. (For example, if you find a 10-minute Youtube clip you should indicate which seconds from the clip you intend to show.) Your goal with this assignment is to A) demonstrate familiarity with the broad sweep of history regarding film music as retold by Kalinak and B) relate that to the particular films of a non-United States country and/or culture. Any answers that draw from sources other than Kalinak or Youtube will receive 0 credit. You may cite Kalinak directly – please use quotation marks and mention page #′s if you choose to do so.


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