Answer the 13 questions see the file i uploud it to answer the questions 1- Whi


Answer the 13 questions
see the file i uploud it to answer the questions
1- Whi

Answer the 13 questions
see the file i uploud it to answer the questions
1- Which material has the highest heat capacity?
– Metals
– Polymers
– Ceramics
– Any of the above
2-The number of electrons is equal to the number of holes in extrinsic conduction.
– True
– False
3-The incident light on a solid is?
– Reflected
– Refracted
– Absorbed
– All of the above
4-The index of refraction relates the speed of light in water to the speed of light in a material.
– True
– False
5-A soft magnet shows larger coercivity than a hard magnet
– True
– False
6-The stress observed in a material due to uneven cooling/heating and due to mismatch in thermal expansion are.
-Tensile Stress
-Thermal Stress
– Compressive Stress
– Hydrostatic Stress
7-The resistivity of metals increases with.
– Imperfections
– Temperature
– Cold working
– All of the above
8-The number of electrons is equal to the number of holes in extrinsic conduction.
– True
– False
9-As the applied magnetic field (H) increases, the magnetic moment aligns with H.
– True
– False
10-Which material has the highest coefficient of thermal expansion?
– Metals
– Polymers
– Ceramics
– Any of the above
11-Thermal conductivity of metals is greater than ceramics and polymers.
12-Which material has the highest coefficient of thermal expansion?
– Metals
– Polymers
– Ceramics
– Any of the above
13-The index of refraction relates the speed of light in water to the speed of light in a material.
– True
– False


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