3. Reason plays a prominent role in the moral philosophies of both Aristotle and
3. Reason plays a prominent role in the moral philosophies of both Aristotle and Immanuel Kant; however, the role it plays in each is very different. In this essay, highlight these different roles by doing the following:
a. explain Aritstotle’s function argument;
b. explain Kant’s critique of Aristotelian ethics;
c. explain Kant’s contention that a good will is the only thing that is good without qualification;
d. subject either Aristotle’s or Kant’s arguments/theories to critical analysis. (Keep in mind that you can either criticize or defend Kant’s arguments/ethics and that you are allowed—but not required—to draw on arguments presented in the course lecture and/or readings. If you are so inclined, you should feel free to present your own argument in the analysis.)
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