Write a brief essay in response to the following issues, using the web as your r


Write a brief essay in response to the following issues, using the web as your r

Write a brief essay in response to the following issues, using the web as your research
tool. For each issue, identify at least one webpage URL used as a research source. Be
prepared to discuss your findings in class.
1 Website Purpose Statements versus Website Mission
A commercial or noncommercial organization often develops an organizational
mission statement to succinctly explain to its constituencies (members, customers,
employees, shareholders, business partners, government agencies, and so forth) why
the organization exists. The use of succinctly worded website mission statements is
an outgrowth of the use of these organizational mission statements. However, some
business and web critics consider formal organizational or website mission statements to
be useless. After researching the arguments for and against website mission statements,
create a report that accomplishes the following:
a. Compares website purpose statements as described in this chapter with examples
of website mission statements. How are they alike? How are they different?
b. Describes how, as a web designer, you would advise a client on the inclusion of a
website purpose and/or website mission statement at a B2B website.
2 Web Accessibility
Research web accessibility issues with using multimedia in websites. What kinds of
multimedia may cause website visitors to have difficulty viewing or interacting with
your website? What types of adaptive devices and software are available for users with
accessibility issues to use with mobile devices, or desktop and laptop computers? What
can you do, as a web designer, to create a website that is accessible to all or most users?


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