Write a 1300-1500 word paper in response to the prompt below. Your paper must ha


Write a 1300-1500 word paper in response to the prompt below. Your paper must ha

Write a 1300-1500 word paper in response to the prompt below. Your paper must have the following structure: You must put the Consequence Argument into numbered premise form. Your paper must contain sections with section titles. Your first section will be your introduction. In section two, you will present and explain the consequence argument. In section three, you will present and explain the compatibilist’s objection to the argument. In section four you will present McKenna’s example and explain whether it’s a good counterexample. You must use in-text citations with page numbers; preferably, you should use footnotes. Any rational system of referencing may be used, as long as the citations include the author’s name, the work cited, publication details, date (at first mention), and page number. You may use only academic publications (i.e., books, encyclopedia entries, and journal articles) as secondary sources. You may not make use of the written work of other students or internet resources that do not constitute original academic publications (e.g., you may not use Wikipedia or similar websites). You must include a works cited page. Prompt A: Present and explain the consequence argument in numbered premise form. Explain how compatibilists, according to Kane, reject the validity of the consequence argument. And explain Michael McKenna’s response to the compatibilist’s objection. Is McKenna’s example a good counterexample to the compatibilists’ hypothetical analysis of “can”? Explain your answer.


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