Today, many organizations state that they are engaged in “agile transformations”


Today, many organizations state that they are engaged in “agile transformations”

Today, many organizations state that they are engaged in “agile transformations”; that is attempting to adapt their business operations to increased “innovation, collaboration, and value creation at unprecedented speed, scale, and impact.” (McKinsey & Company, Leading Agile Transformation, 2018)
As such, please adopt the role of an agile transformation consultant to your organization. Use this paper to convey the information and key recommendations necessary to help them with such a transformation.
The paper should include:
A review of key literature designed to inform your client about characteristics of agile organizations e.g., leadership, culture, training, strategic alignment, team structure, and business cadence.
A set of recommendations, informed by your research, designed to guide them in operationalizing their transformation. Be as specific and time-based as possible.
Note: your organization may be a project, team, PMO, department, or entire firm (your choice) that you currently/have worked for or have detailed knowledge of.
The paper should be 8-10 double-spaced pages not including title and reference pages. Please use APA 7.0 formatting with at least 7 external research sources included in your list of works cited.
You may re-use work previously submitted in article/topic briefs assuming it is relevant and applicable to this assignment. Please ensure it is cited appropriately. I have attached my previous article briefs if you feel they are relevant to use.
I have also attached an example research assignment of what the paper should look like.


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