Sequencing and Coding Major Authors, Theories, and Approaches Since the early 19


Sequencing and Coding Major Authors, Theories, and Approaches Since the early 19

Sequencing and Coding Major Authors, Theories, and Approaches Since the early 1900s, many individuals and organizations have contributed to the shared purpose of developing youth into good people and citizens who work well with others to build and maintain strong communities. In this assignment, you will create an annotated, weighted, and coded timeline of important individual and organizational contributors. Step 1. Research Use the readings, presentations, and your independent research to identify major philosophers, theorists, program developers, researchers, and organizational leaders who have contributed between 1900 and present-day to our understanding of how to teach youth to be virtuous and socially skilled citizens who can help maintain and improve communities. Also identify contributing organizations, relevant theories, and model programs. Step 2. Create Create a timeline to include individual contributors and important organizations, theories, philosophies, and program models. You will need at least ten entries. The starting point can be any year between 1900 to 1940. The endpoint is the present. This timeline can be created in segments on multiple PowerPoint slides to allow for more entries. You can also use a tool from the Digital Tools Center linked on the Module 1 Learning Objects page, or you may use a timeline creation tool you find online. Step 3. Annotate Annotate your entries and code them in some way as belonging to or connected with one of several current approaches or schools of thought. You can code by using your own categories or another scheme or typology you discover. The use of Vessels’ Taxonomy (quadrant diagrams) to code differences in theory, philosophy, and methodology is an option but not required. Step 4. Submit Submit your timeline and a one-page narrative refection as separate documents. Use APA format and include a title page and references page. NOTE: Time-Sensitive Preview Preview assignment instructions for Module 4. Coordinate and schedule in advance the teacher interview and the classroom observation. Follow your district’s policies regarding permission and informed consent for gathering data through teacher interviews and classroom observations and avoid using any names of teachers and students in your data forms and assignment paper


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