Minimum of 2500 words (~10-12 pages) in length, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins Take


Minimum of 2500 words (~10-12 pages) in length, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins

Minimum of 2500 words (~10-12 pages) in length, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins
Take the comments, recommendations, corrections, questions, requests for clarification, requests for expansion, and general thoughts I have written about your final paper drafts and revise them to create a final version of your paper. You should attempt to address all concerns I have with the paper by correcting any typos, grammar and spelling mistakes, sentences construction errors, awkward phrasing, poor arguments, logical non sequiturs, ineffective use of the text, citation issues, issues with historical content or historical interpretation, etc. More importantly, you should think about how your revision improves upon the argument of your paper, the development of your original ideas, your engagement with the texts (both primary and secondary sources), and the presentation of your specific interpretations of the texts and the questions. It should be clear to me when I compare your earlier draft with the final draft that you have genuinely taken the time both to address all the issues with the earlier version and that you have made your very best effort to answer the questions you posed in your proposal using an original argument and interpretation of the texts at hand.
This my paper I need to take the cements and fix the paper the paper


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