In this project, you will be writing a simple database based on an indexed seque


In this project, you will be writing a simple database based on an indexed seque

In this project, you will be writing a simple database based on an indexed sequential file. You
may write the program in C/C++, Java, or Python. The program will take as a command-line
argument the name of a sequential file. The sequential file should use the “.db” extension. The
program will then present a user command loop that allows the user to add, delete, search for,
and modify records.
The program will take as a command-line argument the name of the sequential file (extension
“.db”). If the file does not exist, then it is created along with the overflow and index file. The
overflow and index files should have the same base name as the sequential file, but with the
“.overflow” and “.index” extensions, respectively. If the sequential file does not exist but the index
or overflow files does, then the existing files must be truncated. That is, the files should be emptied (or deleted and recreated). For simplicity, when the overflow file contains 10 records perform
the merge. Do not forget to update the index file. This can be done by traversing the B-Tree and
updating the “values” associated with each key.


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