How is the Federal Government Funded? A good friend of yours has found out that


How is the Federal Government Funded?
A good friend of yours has found out that

How is the Federal Government Funded?
A good friend of yours has found out that you are enrolled in a U.S. Government class and has several questions for you about how the Federal Government is funded. For this assignment, you will complete Part 1 and Part 2 and upload your assignment to the Dropbox.
Part 1: Respond to your friend’s questions by completing the following script:
Your friend: I have always wanted to know how many people are employed by the federal government. How many civilian employees work for the federal government?
Your answer:
Your friend: Oh wow, I had no idea! That is a lot of employees! I also want to know what types of programs does the federal government fund for its citizens? Can you give me three examples?
Your answer:
Your friend: I did not know that either! That is interesting because I have used some of those programs. But where does the federal government get its money to pay all those employees and fund all of the programs it provides for Americans?
Your answer:
Your friend: Ok, one last question. On the news, I sometimes hear about this thing called the Federal Reserve. What is the Federal Reserve System and what does it do?
Your answer:
Your friend: Thank you so much for this information. You have been so helpful and I feel like I know much more now about how our Federal Government is funded and the types of programs it provides.
Part 2: Reflection
You will reflect on this activity by answering this question:
Do you think it is important for Americans to know these things? Why or why not? Write your response to this question in at least 4 complete sentences.
Does Not Meet Yet (0-59)
Emerging Expectations (60-75)
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Responses (50%)
May not have answered all questions. Responses may be inaccurate or in short answers
An attempt was made to accurately provide responses for all or most of the script questions.
Answers accurately provided for all script questions in complete sentences.
Answers clearly, completely and accurately provided for all script questions in complete sentences.
Answer provided in fewer than 4 complete sentences.
May be missing personal opinions and explanations.
Answer provided in fewer than 4 complete sentences.
1-2 personal opinions provided, may not be explained.
Answer provided in 4 complete sentences.
1-2 personal opinions provided and explained.
Answer provided in 4 or more complete sentences.
2 or more personal opinions provided and fully explained.


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