ENG 250: PAPER 3 Researched Comparative Analysis of Literary Texts Spring 2024


ENG 250: PAPER 3
Researched Comparative Analysis of Literary Texts
Spring 2024

ENG 250: PAPER 3
Researched Comparative Analysis of Literary Texts
Spring 2024, K. Kalata
Revise and expand Paper 2 into a 7-8 page researched comparative analysis essay.
Source Requirements:
Paper 3 must integrate a minimum of 7 sources:
§ Two primary literary texts, including the one you wrote on in Paper 2
§ Five credible secondary sources, three of which may be the ones you used in
Paper 2. NOTE: Three of these five sources must be scholarly: excerpts from
academic books, peer-reviewed biographies, and/or journal articles. The best
place to find these is on McGill Library’s website. The others may be non
scholarly: journalistic reviews; credible websites, etc.
SUGGESTION: As you develop your essay, keep in mind the way(s) your existing analysis of
intersectional identity in Paper 2 relates to one or more of the following course themes: – – – – – – – – – – – –
self-perception versus societal perception
T Apr 23
T Apr 30
In-Class Workshop: Bring laptops! Prior to class, post to D2L a tentative
thesis and two body paragraphs of comparative analysis that integrates: 1-
your new primary source; and 2- at least one new secondary source.
NO CLASS MEETING: Stop by my office—PH 302—for help as needed
Paper Due by midnight
Scroll for grading criteria.
ENG 250 Paper 3 Rubric
Kalata, SP24
***the criteria below will appear in D2L / Dropbox***
1. CONTENT: 40 total points
a. Does the essay express a clear, sufficiently narrow thesis that is both
arguable and insightful in its comparative analysis of two course texts? i.e.,
does the thesis avoid the obvious?
b. Does the paper explore thoughtful, analytical questions of “how” or “why”?
c. Is the thesis developed by the purposeful incorporation of carefully selected
material from TWO primary sources (literature or film) from our syllabus?
d. Does the paper integrate credible material from five secondary sources (three of
which must be scholarly) to develop its analysis with purpose and direction?
e. Does your voice—as opposed to the voice of other writers/scholars—control the
essay, from start to finish, expressing authority over its main ideas?
***Essay must meet assignment requirements to earn a passing score in this category***
2. ORGANIZATION: 30 total points
a. Do paragraphs flow with purpose, logic, and coherence, developing analysis
of the topic in ways that avoid repetition of ideas?
b. Do paragraphs begin with strong topic sentences that generally avoid
quoting and underscore analysis, as opposed to observation?
c. Are transitions present between and within paragraphs? Do you introduce all
quotations in a way that connects them clearly to your argument? Is there an
effort to balance direct quotes with summarized and paraphrased source
3. STYLE: 20 total points
a. Is there evidence of proofreading for errors in grammar, punctuation, and
sentence structure?
b. Is there evidence of editing for style? i.e.—sentence clarity, accuracy, variety,
parallelism, and concision; deliberate word choice; professional tone; active
a. Have you correctly cited in MLA style all sources whose ideas you use in any
way? (summaries, paraphrases, & direct quotes ALL require citations)
b. Are in-text parenthetical citations correctly punctuated? Do they correspond
accurately to Works Cited entries?
c. Is your paper typed in MLA style, with the appropriate heading, numbered
pages, and 1” margins throughout?
***see also c. in “Content” above***


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