Dear Writer, I would like to write a business idea that will cover and answer be


Dear Writer, I would like to write a business idea that will cover and answer be

Dear Writer, I would like to write a business idea that will cover and answer below questions:
Q1.Come up with a plausible idea for implementing any of the emerging technologies you’ve learned about within a business context. Explain briefly why it is important to your role, your department, and your company, and give brief examples. (My role is Business Intelligence specialist, I work in Banking sector under Data and analytics department. the business idea could be a service or product which will provide to our SME clients (Small/ medium enterprise clients) who’s owning a business a monitoring dashboard to track their businesses…)
Q2.Explain the business challenge/opportunity driving your idea and why it is important to address it..
(Ex. this will help the clients to monitor and see their performance on regular basis to make sure there is no default in payment as some of them received by the bank some facilities/loans which their success will keep them in track with the bank…)
Q3.Share your project idea while explaining how it will solve for the aforementioned challenge/opportunity. (ex. we may add AI role/ ML models that will help this performance dashboard to predict or forecast their revenue/ profit or anything that will support the idea of making them succeed in their business to prevent them from being default and not pay on time…)
Q4.List the key and unique dependencies and constraints of your project. (Could be the variety of business industries/ Trust to share their data….)
Q5.Write down in brief, what would be the benefit for your company from your project (the return on investment of your project). ROI can include (not limited to) the following:
Time savings
Direct cost savings
More data-driven thinking and decision making
Introducing new products/services
Automating a process
( To be Bank of choice for clients, and profit generation for our department, increase loan penetration…)
Q5. Share your estimated timeline before you can see your project’s ROI. ( maybe a year to implement the idea, we could provide a project mielstone as a chart here )
Thank you


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